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How it works:


1. First, you must consciously decide you want this to be a great year. Once that decision has been made you are ready to join our community. If you can't commit then don't join yet. You will always be welcome and we will be here when you are ready. 


2. Each week we will cover a topic directly related to getting you closer to your goals and dreams. It would help you to fill in the handouts ahead of time.


3. From 7:30pm to 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time we will have our coaching sessions on Facebook Live. via my Facebook page Kristin R. Hiemstra. We will have a short lesson on the topic and you will be able to type your questions so I can respond. We will end the call with a 5 minute "Prepaving this Week" visioning exercise. (You must have your Facebook open for this link to work)


4. Jump in with both feet and have a blast.


                         Sunday, Jan 1  7:30pm to 8:30pm est
                      2017 Kick Off - A Year of Free Coaching! 
If you are here, you are ready to make 2017 one of the best, most productive, fun years ever! Congratulations on making this decision.
During our Kick Off Session, we are going to identify your 3 Big, Delicious, Exciting Goals and use them as your North Star, to provide direction for this year. For this week's handouts, click here .
                          Sunday, Jan 8  9:00pm to 10:00pm est
                      Limiting Beliefs, Assumptions, and Beelzebubba the Armchair Quarterback
Often we are encouraging, supportive, and even forgiving with others while we are nasty, judgmental, and condemning to ourselves. It is time for that to stop. For this week's handouts, click here. 
                          Monday, Jan. 16  7:30pm to 8:30pm est
                      Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday!
 Become a Game Changer
I'm a big believer in role models and MLK is one of the most powerful of all. While in an inferior position within a society that sought to oppress him, he completely changed the rules of the game and how it was played. This will be a very powerful session so get ready.  For this week's handouts, click here.
                          Sunday, Jan 22  7:30pm to 8:30pm est
                     Progress, Not Perfection: The Art of Persisting 
Too often we set a destination, veer slightly off the perfect path we've envisioned and then decide to throw in the towel and eat a whole box of chocolates. Not this year, my friend. This year we are going to stay the course.and in this coaching session we cover strategies on how to stay strong and fabulous..
                          Sunday, Jan 27  7:30pm to 8:30pm est
                      Great Potential and Tremendous Possibility Are Present In Your Life
......We're off the see the wizard the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.... 

At the end of this classic movie Dorothy learns that she has had the power to make her dreams come true all along. You, too, have the power to manifest your dreams right now and we are going to seize the possibilities currently present in your life.  
Upcoming topics:
April 23, 2017 - TAP Your #1 Ultimate Super Power
April 30, 2017 - TAP  3 Ways to Spring Into Future
May 7, 2017 - TAP Your Truth ... Here's How it Works
May 14, 2017 - TAP You Can't Replace Your Mother but you Can Rewrite the Messages
May 21, 2017 - How to Turn A Deaf Ear to Naysayers
May 28, 2017 - 5 Ways to Build Permanent Success
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